Many people are wondering how they can get more out of their handsets. In many cases the embedded browser can show WAP-pages in a good readable layout if the web(WAP)-server has either pre-formatted content that fit the screen size and phone characteristics, or if a formatting feature can sense the handset type, and convert layout and picture format in real time.
Let's take an applied example: Pilots, as myself, and other people with interest in the some times very heavy rain causing floods and all kinds of problems for the Sao Paulo population, would be very happy to get access to timely and precise information on large storms building up in the state of Sao Paulo. That type of near real time data is actually available from weather radars around the country, and can be accessed through the aeronautical weather service from
Redemet. So far so good. The issue is that this type of data is in many cases more relevant when your are out from home, any time - any where, as the mobile industry has talked so much about, and that is when the problems begin to emerge: There is no WAP formatted version of the site, and the site has frames and pug-ins that are not handset friendly.

Here you can get great help from the
Opera Mini 4 for Java handsets. It's a a free download mobile browser that brings full web pages to your phone screen. New features include the Opera Link bookmark synchronization function, a two-click switch to "landscape" views, and a virtual mouse for easier scrolling. Opera Mini compresses content before it reaches your phone, saving the pay-by-the-kilobyte crowd a few bucks, not to talk about the times you save.

Now you can monitor the development in the regional weather in 15 minutes steps wherever you are whenever you need. You can also check the traffic situation on the
CETSP homepage.