Before you raise your arms too high: The service is used for on-board entertainment, and not for connecting to the Internet. Anyway, this is a great idea, and a great step for on board entertainment.
This is a great way of doing stepwise innovation. Get people used to using their own devices on-board, and guess what: The next step to connect this service to the Internet is very easy. GOL can also offer downloads that you can bring with you, which in turn will become a new platform for branded services.
You can just go on thinking about the potential of this new service. Segmented advertising: Let the system know your preferences and you can get targeted advertising. When you do your on-line check in, you may, in the future, be able to chose among films from a great selection that you would like to see during the flight, and the films are loaded to the aircraft system while on the ground.
Thumbs up for GOL. Great initiative. I am already eager to see the next step.